Example of an ad featuring a shoe sale and example chart showing related performance metrics

Deliver better results with automated bidding

With billions of searches per day on Google, you can make sure you set the right bid and ensure potential customers see your ad.

Example of an ad featuring a shoe sale and example chart showing related performance metrics

Set the right bids with Smart Bidding

Real-time bids

Example of related bids: Food delivery, food take-away, food to go.

Reach your audience at the right moment

Smart Bidding offers true auction-time optimization. It sets bids for each individual auction, not just a few times a day. This allows you to tailor bids to each user’s unique search.

Example of related bids: Food delivery, food take-away, food to go.


An illustration of a gavel inside a circle of icons representing contextual factors.

Increase conversions with billions of combinations of signals

Instead of a few basic adjustments, Smart Bidding evaluates all the relevant contextual factors. This includes things like the search query, device, browser, language, and time of day.

An illustration of a gavel inside a circle of icons representing contextual factors.

Drive value

A chart measuring revenue and conversions.

Bid toward conversion values to maximize your ROI

Not all conversions are equal–some are worth more than others. Measuring conversion values and then bidding towards them helps you find more valuable customers.

A chart measuring revenue and conversions.

Maximize sales

A woman working at a florist shop looking at a tablet with an overlay showing online versus instore conversions.

Bid for online and in-store sales

Maximize total sales, whether they happen online or in your stores. You can measure and optimize for store visits or store sales driven by your online ads.

A woman working at a florist shop looking at a tablet with an overlay showing online versus instore conversions.

Grow your business with Google Ads

  • A Nespresso case study showing increased DTC revenue.

    Nespresso boosts direct-to-consumer revenue by leveraging AI-powered Search campaigns

    25% increase in purchases

  • A Paycor case study showing new growth paths.

    Paycor finds new growth paths among mid-market businesses using Google solutions

    105% increase in revenue

  • Aerial shot of a beach with turquoise water.

    loveholidays earns more profit using Smart Bidding compared to its own solution

    57% more profit

A Google Ads customer chats with a helpful Google Ads Expert

Partner with a Google Ads expert to set up your first campaign

  • We’ll get you up to speed on the latest platform updates
  • We’ll design a media plan that makes the most of your budget
  • We’ll help you launch your first campaign with hands-on guidance
Start now

Get started with Smart Bidding

Automated bidding can help you deliver better performance and save time. Tap into these modules to learn how these bid strategies can help you reach your business goals.

  • Optimize your bids and budgets

    More than 80% of Google advertisers are using automated bidding.

  • Bid toward what matters most

    On average, advertisers that switch from a Target CPA to a Target ROAS bid strategy can see 14% more conversion value at a similar return on ad spend.