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Want to create a new Google Ads account?

You’re about to create a new Google Ads account. You can create multiple campaigns in the same account without creating a new account.


  • Business objective: Your company’s top-line business goal is usually in the categories of market share, revenue, or profit.
  • Marketing objective: Informed by the bottomline business objective and signed off by the CFO and/or CMO.
  • Lead-to-sale journey: All of the events that gradually process and qualify inbound leads into a paying customer.
  • The Google tag: A single tag you can add to your website to establish a durable measurement foundation.
  • Consent mode: Allows you to communicate user consent to Google and enables conversion modeling to fill measurement gaps while respecting user consent choices.
  • Enhanced conversions for web: Improves conversion measurement accuracy by sending hashed first-party conversion data from your website in a privacy-safe way.
  • Offline conversion imports: Provides a more comprehensive look at which keywords and targeting criteria drive the most cost-effective conversions.
  • Conversion values: The monetary value you assign to each conversion. This helps you measure and optimize against the true business impact of your ad campaigns.
  • Google Analytics: A powerful analytics tool that helps you understand customers’ complex, multiplatform journeys across your websites and apps.
  • Customer Match: Uses your first-party data to help you reach and re-engage customers across Google’s surfaces.
  • Value-based bidding strategy: Uses Google AI to drive the highest conversion value possible, bidding for conversions that drive business objectives.
  • Broad match: Allows your ad to show on searches related to the meaning of your keyword. This helps you reach a wider audience without an extensive keyword list.
  • Video campaigns: Reach and engage with your audience on YouTube, Google TV, and through Google video partners.
  • App campaigns: Promote your apps across Google’s largest properties including Search, Google Play, YouTube, Discover on Google Search, and the Google Display Network.
  • Performance Max campaigns: An AI-powered campaign type that drives results across Google's advertising channels and inventory from a single campaign.
  • Demand Gen campaigns: an AI-powered campaign type that drives purchase consideration using multiformat ads on immersive surfaces like YouTube (including Shorts), Discover, and Gmail.

To maximize Google AI benefits, organizations need to experiment with new strategies and increase agility to shift budgets to high-potential opportunities.